on Bible - We must all die; we are like water that is poured on the ground and
cannot be gathered up
choose to believe the Bible because it is a reliable collection of historical
documents written by eyewitnesses during the lifetime of other eyewitnesses.
They report supernatural events that took place in fulfillment of specific
prophecies and they claim that their writings are divine rather than human in
Voddie Baucham
is no greater pleasure than to be a freethinker.”
Paulo Bitencourt, Liberated from Religion: The Inestimable Pleasure of Being a
Genesis declaration carries the central truth that each human person is a
precious individual, whether strong or weak, rich or poor, able-bodied or
handicapped, intellectually brilliant or limited, beautiful or plain.”
― Os
Guinness, The Magna Carta of Humanity: Sinai's Revolutionary Faith and the
Future of Freedom
God isn't looking for perfection. He's looking for humility and honesty about
our need for Him--our brokenness. The Bible tells us God is especially
attracted to a repentant heart. "My sacrifice, oh God, is a broken spirit.
A broken and contrite heart you, God, will not despise." (Psalm 51:17)”
Chris Hodges, The Daniel Dilemma: How to Stand Firm and Love Well in a Culture
of Compromise
will never know all that your life can be until you hand it over to the One who
gave you life.”
Chris Hodges, The Daniel Dilemma: How to Stand Firm and Love Well in a Culture
of Compromise
we saw time and time again, Daniel stood his ground; even risking his life to
oppose the cultural pressure surrounding him. He didn't argue, defend, explain,
or debate. He simply made his boundaries clear with direct, respectful
communication. As a result, Daniel shone like a beacon of God's truth for 70
years--valued and esteemed by 4 different Babylonian regimes.”
Chris Hodges
culture shifts--and we know it always will--we should get excited. Because in
the midst of those chaotic, unsettling changes, we live on solid ground. In
Christ, we have the hope the world needs. And like the prophet Daniel, we are
catalysts for redemptive change--people of influence, who know our goal is not
to be right, but to be effective.”
Chris Hodges, The Daniel Dilemma: How to Stand Firm and Love Well in a Culture
of Compromise
God really did create everything and the Bible is God’s decisive word about
everything, then that means it’s not an opinion but an instruction manual.”
Michael J Heil, Pursued: God’s relentless pursuit and a drug addict’s journey
to finding purpose
preaching is exposing the mind of God, as revealed in the Word of God, to the
people of God, for the glory of God”
Royal Raj S
you neighbor as yourself' makes sense only within a religious context. Without
God, all that exists in the world is the physical; from where then would come
the basis for legislating moral obligations? The inability to derive moral
obligations without a metaphysical basis has been a bedrock problem confronting
all atheistic philosophical systems. As Bertrand Russell, perhaps the twentieth
century's most eloquent atheistic philosopher, wrote: 'I cannot see how to
refute the argument for the subjectivity of all ethical values, but I refuse to
accept that the only thing wrong with wanton cruelty is that I don't like it.'
Unfortunately, over many decades of writing, Russell was never able to
formulate a stronger critique of 'wanton cruelty' than that he didn't like it.
Even more unfortunately, there are many people who do like it, a factor which
helps account for this century's Nazi and Communist horrors.
the biblical verse does not read: 'Love all humanity as yourself,' but it
specifically speaks of one's neighbor. After all, it is easier to engage in
lofty statements about humankind than to show loving behavior to the person
next door, who might be a rather flawed creature.”
Joseph Telushkin, Biblical Literacy
last one to realize he has been deceived is always the one who has been most
Caspian Sarginson, Flat Earth: What The Bible Actually Says: Every Verse In The
Bible On Creation
fascinating revelation in scripture is just how sacred human sexuality exists
for God. The Bible sings with this truth, and Donna dives into this mystery to
reveal the greatest love story ever told!”
Donna Mack, Our Godly Sexual Beings: The Fellowship of the Mystery
not a religious believer, yet despite that I go to church. I love the
architecture, the music, the words of the Bible, and the sense of sharing
something profound with other people. I have long found deep spiritual peace in
the great cathedrals, as do many millions of people, believers and nonbelievers
Ken Follett, Notre-Dame: A Short History of the Meaning of Cathedrals
is written in the scriptures
no man
be a prophet
his own land
I am no man
So I
will be a prophet
I choose.”
Aleksandra Weretelnik, Nobody Has More of Me
seen her using that limited reading ability of hers on her Bible. I suspect
that in her own way, she's a fairly moral woman.”
Octavia E. Butler, Kindred
must all die; we are like water that is poured on the ground and cannot be
gathered up.”
Adele Berlin, The Jewish Study Bible Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA
so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in
love lives in God, and God in them."
— 1
John 4:16 NIV”
exist whether you believe in them or not.”
Father Moore, The Exorcism of Emily Rose
is not God who enslaves us. Rather, it is our misperception that God enslaves
us that enslaves us.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough
Bible is the most fascinating, robust, comprehensive, and wise resource upon
which to build our lives. And if you are building your life on anything else,
the only thing that you are building is the illusion that you are building.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough