Quotes on Bible - Productivity is Godly. Growth is Godly. And waste is Ungodly


Quotes on Bible - Productivity is Godly. Growth is Godly. And waste is Ungodly 

“The real Atheist has been to church, read the Bible and has touched the things that are God’s. But something happens; somehow, somewhere he is broken by a condition and rebels. Yet his rebellion is not against God but against his own inability to comprehend and reconcile the happenings around him and to him.”

― Paul Bamikole, WURA


“Jesus Christ is the light of the world, the hope of the nations, and the Savior of our souls. He is the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through him.”

― Adriel Montejano


“While 'clear' evidence points to the suspect from the onset (before he is contacted), 'cloaked' evidence points to the suspect only in hindsight (after he is identified)...The cloaked prophecies are limited in their ability to *point* us to the Messiah. They may, however, help or *confirm* his identity once we have him in view.”

― J. Warner Wallace, Person of Interest: Why Jesus Still Matters in a World that Rejects the Bible


“In the blood of Jesus, I find my peace,

A love that flows and never will cease.

It washes away my every stain,

And makes me new again and again.”

― Adriel Montejano


“All the scientists were upstaged at least 2,500 years earlier by Job, Moses, David, Isaiah, Jeremiah, and other Bible authors. The Bible’s prophets and apostles stated explicitly and repeatedly the two most fundamental properties of the big bang, a transcendent cosmic beginning a finite time ago and a universe undergoing a general expansion.”

― Hugh Ross, The Creator and the Cosmos: How the Greatest Scientific Discoveries of the Century Reveal God


“You know who is the easiest to fool? People who want to believe in something badly. … if we really want something to be true, we are easily persuaded. … we will even sell ourselves on the idea.”

― Caspian Sarginson, Flat Earth: What The Bible Actually Says: Every Verse In The Bible On Creation


“So the last will be first, and the first will be last.”

― Matthew the Apostle, The Holy Bible: Gospel of Matthew


“The effort to be the god that we are not has led to the kind of world that we wish were not.”

― Craig D. Lounsbrough


“Judaea was not a forgotten backwater in the Roman world. Jews represented about ten percent of the population of the western empire and about twenty percent of the population of the eastern empire. By comparison, Jews represent only about two per cent of the population of the United States today. Never, since the fall of Judah to Babylon in the sixth century BC until the twentieth century had Jews comprised so large a part of any body politic.”

― James Allen Moseley, Biographies of Jesus' Apostles: Ambassadors in Chains


“Jesus’ ministry lasted 1,350 days, spanning five calendar years (AD 29–33), fifty calendar months, and 44.36 months (calculated as being of 30.5 days’ average duration). The gospels have gaps in their narratives in which Jesus disappears from the pages of history. The gaps total 770 days, which is about two years, representing fifty-seven percent of Jesus’ total ministry time. No wonder John wrote “Jesus did many other signs in the presence of the disciples, which are not written in this book” (John 20:30) and “There are many more things that Jesus did. If all of them were written down, I suppose that not even the world itself would have space for the books that would be written” (John 21:25).”

― James Allen Moseley


“For two centuries, Christians would be a persecuted minority. There was no worldly reward for being Christian. Being a follower of Christ took courage. The twelve apostles, and their first-century co-workers, suffered tribulation and sometimes death as they fulfilled the Great Commission Jesus had given them (Matt 28:19–20). They turned an iron empire upside down and changed our world forever.”

― James Allen Moseley, Biographies of Jesus' Apostles: Ambassadors in Chains


“Before you pray these prayers, you must first be in right standing with Jesus Christ. In other words, you must truly be a born-again believer, sanctified and washed in the blood of Jesus Christ.”

― John Ramirez, Fire Prayers: Building Arsenals That Destroy Satanic Kingdoms


“Jerome says Peter founded the church in Antioch, Syria. If so, January 15–22, AD 34 was probably the time when Peter did it.”

― James Allen Moseley, Biographies of Jesus' Apostles: Ambassadors in Chains


“The disciples were, most likely, rather well off. Peter and Andrew were business partners of James and John (Luke 5:7, 10). James and John, under the supervision of their father, Zebedee, ran a fishing business wealthy enough to employ multiple hired men (Mark 1:19–20).”

― James Allen Moseley, Biographies of Jesus' Apostles: Ambassadors in Chains


“Productivity is Godly. Growth is Godly. And waste is Ungodly - both the waste of present resources and the waste of potential gains.”

― Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr, 4 Business Lessons From Jesus: A businessmans interpretation of Jesus' teachings, applied in a business context.


“I don't want to believe, I want to know.”

― Paulo Bitencourt, Perdendo Tempo Com Deus: Por Que Sou Ateu


“What was it about the fig tree that was unsatisfactory to Jesus? Well if we use our context clues, we can deduce that the only thing that made this fig tree different than all of the other fig trees that Jesus must have encountered is that it was unfruitful - it was unproductive relative to its potential. To be a fig tree that does not produce figs is an insult to the creator, and arguably a waste of space - a bad investment.”

― Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr, 4 Business Lessons From Jesus: A businessmans interpretation of Jesus' teachings, applied in a business context.


“We need the discernment of the Holy Spirit to recognize that God’s highest priority is to transform us, not just our circumstances.”

― Bukky Agboola, All Will Be Well: Receiving The Keys To Strengthen Your Faith