Quotes on Bible - The Word Of God Is TRUTH!


Quotes on Bible - The Word Of God Is TRUTH! 

“It takes one crippled man just to make a hundred people appreciate walking. We like to measure our blessings. The sacrificial lamb.”

― Dushawn Banks, True Blue


“It is as natural to the Icelandic heart to turn to poetry in times of stress as for another to search his Bible.”

― Laura Goodman Salverson, The viking heart


“The Word Of God Is TRUTH! Whether or Not You Know It, Believe It, or Obey It, The Word of God Is TRUTH.”

― Brenda Diann Johnson


“People don’t know. And the more I thought about this, the more I realized there are a lot of assumptions all of us have about Christianity that simply aren’t biblical.”

― Brian McGovern, Jesus Uncomplicated


“Light a candle every day until no corner is able to harbor a shadow. And then, keep lighting candles because the world will never be without corners.”

― Craig D. Lounsbrough


“Every time I write, I liken it to putting yet another candle in the window of a darkening world. And I am heartened as I remember that the expanse of the light will always be dictated by the intensity of the light and never by the depth of the darkness. And so, each day I seek to light yet another candle, and to do so with an illuminating brilliance so intense that the ever-growing collection of them will someday leave the darkness no place where light is not.”

― Craig D. Lounsbrough


“This is at last bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh” proclaims connectedness, equality, and mutuality, not dominance or a hierarchy of power.”

― Ngina Otiende, Courage: Reflections and Liberation For the Hurting Soul


“Just because it’s in the Bible

doesn’t mean it’s instructive.

Just because it was formerly

doesn’t mean it is presently

meant to be modeled after.”

― Ngina Otiende, Courage: Reflections and Liberation For the Hurting Soul


“Jesus pointed to something that's irresistibly compelling because it's something immovably authentic.”

― Craig D. Lounsbrough


“In the vastness that is the stuff of eternity, tangible things give our deepest insecurities something they can see, touch, and hold onto because we aren’t holding onto the God from whom eternity arose.”

― Craig D. Lounsbrough


“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God; all things were made through him, and without him was not anything made that was made. In him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.”

― John, The Holy Bible: Revised Standard Version


“(Some Christians) may feel they love Jesus, but is he the same Jesus who is revealed in the Bible, being that they haven’t read it?”

― D.H. Benson, Feed Yourself: Learning to Feast on the Riches of God's Word


“God has a lot of promises for the person who takes a seat at his table, armed with a healthy appetite.”

― D.H. Benson, Feed Yourself: Learning to Feast on the Riches of God's Word


“A Bible devotee is like a traveler who goes to another country and must learn its language, its culture, and its nuances if they want to get the full benefit of their trip. It takes some preparation and determination. ... Many Christians, however, never leave the airport gift shop.”

― D.H. Benson, Feed Yourself: Learning to Feast on the Riches of God's Word


“What we believe about the Scriptures is revealed in how we respond to the Scriptures,” says Jon Vallier, pastor of Lakeside Alliance Church in Port Washington, Wis. (quoted in "Feed Yourself: Learning to Feast on the Riches of God's Word")”

― D.H. Benson


“the Bible only got it half right: there were demons aplenty, but no fire at all”

― Alix E. Harrow, Starling House


“If you created the map, you’ll probably never find the road.”

― Craig D. Lounsbrough


“Mercy is the surprise that people don’t want because it means they have no way of predicting what God will do and to whom God will do it.”

― Micah D. Kiel, Reading the Bible in the Age of Francis


“Prepare with pre-prayer!”

― Mary Harwell Sayler


“Sleep is a vital element within God’s creation and plan for humanity as it’s one of the avenues by which He teaches, matures, and sanctifies our very lives.”

― Marc Webb, A Theology of Sleep: Trusting in the Lord When You Are Most Vulnerable