Quotes on Bible - Scripture is the grammar textbook for the language of God


Quotes on Bible - Scripture is the grammar textbook for the language of God 

“I don't reject God, because for me to be able to reject him he first would have to exist.”

― Paulo Bittencourt, Wasting Time on God: Why I Am an Atheist


“Scripture is the grammar textbook for the language of God, instructing us clearly in the patterns of meaning and the rules by which we are enabled to read everything else.”

― Joe Rigney, The Things of Earth: Treasuring God by Enjoying His Gifts by Joe Rigney


“Remember that in order to have the last laugh, you need to keep on laughing.”

― Bukky Agboola, Get Unstuck: Unleashing Momentum: The Powerful Key to Your Success!


“The words are few, and the sentence short; no one in Scripture so short. But it fareth with Sentences as with coynes: In coines, they that in smallest compasse conteine greatest value, are best esteemed: and, in sentences, those that in fewest words comprise most matter, are most praised. Which, as of all sentences it is true; so specially of those that are marked with Memento. In them, the shorter the better; the better, and the better carried away, and the better kept; and the better called for when we need it. And such is this here; of rich contents, and with all exceeding compendious: So that, we must needs be without all excuse, it being but three words, and but five syllables, if we doe not remember it.”

― Lancelot Andrewes, Lancelot Andrewes: Selected Sermons and Lectures


“Sleep is not an incidental detail in scripture. It is scattered across the entire Bible, from start to finish, and it is inherently tied to multiple individuals, significant events, key conversations, spiritual truths, and overarching periods in time and history. There is not a single section in the Bible that is left untouched by the reality of sleep.”

― Marc Webb, A Theology of Sleep: Trusting in the Lord When You Are Most Vulnerable


“Like Adam, you are not God and you never will be. The certainty and necessity of your sleep profoundly reflect this very truth.”

― Marc Webb, A Theology of Sleep: Trusting in the Lord When You Are Most Vulnerable


“When we face challenges and questions, we should not trust in ourselves, follow our own hearts, or create a litany of backup plans. Instead, we should bow before the Lord, declare our belief in Him, and fully rely upon the assurances of His Word. No matter what comes to pass, we will always be safe in the presence of the Lord, and we can rest peacefully within this truth.”

― Marc Webb, A Theology of Sleep: Trusting in the Lord When You Are Most Vulnerable


“As humans, we acknowledge how much we need our rest, but this is not the case for God. He does not need to recover from a long day. He does not need to refresh His body at night. He does not need to relax His mind. He certainly does not need prophets to awaken Him at certain times of the day. He is the everlasting God; He will never grow tired or weary.”

― Marc Webb, A Theology of Sleep: Trusting in the Lord When You Are Most Vulnerable


“And these explanations of the sacred scriptures are delivered by mystic expressions in allegories, for the whole of the law appears to these men to resemble a living animal, and its express commandments seem to be the body, and the invisible meaning concealed under and lying beneath the plain words resembles the soul, in which the rational soul begins most excellently to contemplate what belongs to itself, as in a mirror, beholding in these very words the exceeding beauty of the sentiments, and unfolding and explaining the symbols, and bringing the secret meaning naked to the light to all who are able by the light of a slight intimation to perceive what is unseen by what is visible.”

― Philo of Alexandria, The Works of Philo


“Whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. -1 Corinthians 10:31”

― The Bible


“We preach what is authentic, but we teach

what needs authentication to allow an evaluation

through reason.”

― John Mwafise Woloko, The Bible vs Theology: Lighting the Way


“Girls, I’m going to cook your noodle with this one, but believe it or not, there is story after story in God’s word of people being rejected by others. We hear that the Bible is a book of rules, but truly it is a love story of God’s great love for us all, including those who are rejected by man. Jesus himself was rejected by the very people he came to save. But he gave of himself anyway.”

― Eve M. Harrell, Revealed Truth: A Journey From Fear to Faith


“I want people to fill their minds with passages of Scripture while they are well and strong, that they may have sure help in the day of need. I want them to be diligent in studying their Bibles, and becoming familiar with their contents, in order that the grand old Book may stand by them and talk with them when all earthly friends fail.”

― J.C. Ryle


“Taggart Transcontinental, thought Eddie Willers, From Ocean to Ocean — the proud slogan of his childhood, so much more shining and holy than any commandment of the Bible. From Ocean to Ocean, forever — thought Eddie Willers, in the manner of a rededication, as he walked through the spotless halls into the heart of the building, into the office of James Taggart, President of Taggart Transcontinental.”

― Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged


“If you have a hard time believing that God chose you, it’s probably because you haven’t chosen you.”

― Craig D. Lounsbrough


“..they force their readers into a challenging dialogue with earlier works. They defence the reader's right to argue - with the text, with the tradition, and even with the deity. In so doing, they validate, and give voice to those who struggle with the perennial problem of the theodicy that arose from the new covenantal order.”

― Jacob L. Wright, Why the Bible Began: An Alternative History of Scripture and its Origins


“Pushback and questioning make a system more flexible and resilient, and this intuition clearly informed the inclusion of a couple of other controversial books.”

― Jacob L. Wright, Why the Bible Began: An Alternative History of Scripture and its Origins


“Law without a story was ineffective.”

― Jacob L. Wright, Why the Bible Began: An Alternative History of Scripture and its Origins


“Just because Satan is the father of lies doesn’t mean that you have to adopt him as your daddy.”

― Craig D. Lounsbrough


“Beginning with the context that produced a text then allows us to ask the question we really want to ask, the question that causes us to come to the Bible in the first place: What is this saying to us, today?”

― Josh Scott, Context