Quotes about FAMILY - My father was a Vulture


Quotes about FAMILY - My father was a Vulture 

“You are born into your family and your family is born into you. No returns. No exchanges.”

― Elizabeth Berg, The Art of Mending


“A woman or man of value doesn’t love you because of what he or she wants you to be or do for them. He or she loves you because your combined souls understand one another, complements each other, and make sense above any other person in this world. You each share a part of their soul's mirror and see each other’s light reflected in it clearly. You can easily speak from the heart and feel safe doing so. Both of you have been traveling a parallel road your entire life. Without each other's presence, you feel like an old friend or family member was lost. It bothers you, not because you have given it too much meaning, but because God did. This is the type of person you don't have to fight for because you can't get rid of them and your heart doesn't want them to leave anyways.”

― Shannon L. Alder


“With friends, if you keep making an effort to reach out and you keep getting hurt, you eventually stop trying. But it's much harder to give up on family. Somewhere deep down you want it to work so badly that you keep making the same mistake over and over again.”

― Tori Spelling


“I been with strangers all day and they treated me like family. I come in here to family and you treat me like a stranger.”

― August Wilson, The Piano Lesson


“So that’s your sister?” asks Dee in a quiet voice.


“The one you risked your life for?”


The twins nod politely in that automatic way that people do when they don’t want to say something insulting.

“Your family any better?” I ask.

Dee and Dum look at each other, assessing.

“Nah,” says Dee.

“Not really,” says Dum at the same time.”

― Susan Ee, World After


“My father was a vulture. My mother was a magpie. My oldest brother is a crow. My sister, a sparrow. I have never really been a bird."

Lila resisted the urge to say he might have been a peacock. It didn't seem the time.”

― V.E. Schwab, A Gathering of Shadows


“In a culture which holds the two-parent patriarchal family in higher esteem than any other arrangement, all children feel emotionally insecure when their family does not measure up to the standard. A utopian vision of the patriarchal family remains intact despite all the evidence which proves that the well-being of children is no more secure in the dysfunctional male-headed household than in the dysfunctional female-headed household. Children need to be raised in loving environments. Whenever domination is present love is lacking. Loving parents, be they single or coupled, gay or straight, headed by females or males, are more likely to raise healthy, happy children with sound self-esteem. In future feminist movement we need to work harder to show parents the ways ending sexism positively changes family life. Feminist movement is pro-family. Ending patriarchal domination of children, by men or women, is the only way to make the family a place where children can be safe, where they can be free, where they can know love”

― bell hooks, Feminism Is for Everybody: Passionate Politics


“Nudge threw her arms around my neck. 'I love you Max! I love all of us too!'

Yeah, me too,' Said the Gasman. 'I don't care if we have our house, or a cliff ledge, or a cardboard box. Home is wherever we all are, together.”

― James Patterson


“Oh, so now I'm getting in trouble for things I didn't tell anyone I didn't know?”

― Lisa Kaniut Cobb, Down in the Valley


“If a man's character is to be abused, say what you will, there's nobody like a relative to do the business.”

― William Makepeace Thackeray, Vanity Fair


“I always hear people talk about 'dysfunctional families.' It annoys me, because it makes you think that somewhere there's this magical family where everyone gets along, and no one ever screams things they don't mean, and there's never a time when sharp objects should be hidden. Well, I'm sorry, but that family doesn't exist. And if you find some neighbors that seem to be the grinning model of 'function,' trust me - that's the family that will get arrested for smuggling arms in their SUV between soccer games.

The best you can really hope for is a family where everyone's problems, big and small, work together. Kind of like an orchestra where every instrument is out of tune, in exactly the same way, so you don't really notice.”

― Neal Shusterman, Antsy Does Time


“It's all right, Tessa, you can go. We love you. You can go now.'

'Why are you saying that?'

'She might need permission to die, Cal.'

'I don't want her to. She doesn't have my permission.”

― Jenny Downham, Before I Die


“That's the best thing about little sisters: They spend so much time wishing they were elder sisters that in the end they're far wiser than the elder ones could ever be.”

― Gemma Burgess A Girl Like You


“Mother is a verb. It's something you do. Not just who you are.”

― Cheryl Lacey Donovan, The Ministry of Motherhood


“Ohana means family. Family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten”

― Lilo and stitch


“When they go low, we go high.”

― Michelle Obama


“And then it occurs to me. They are frightened. In me, they see their own daughters, just as ignorant, just as unmindful of all the truths and hopes they have brought to America. They see daughters who grow impatient when their mothers talk in Chinese, who think they are stupid when they explain things in fractured English. They see that joy and luck do not mean the same to their daughters, that to these closed American-born minds "joy luck" is not a word, it does not exist. They see daughters who will bear grandchildren born without any connecting hope passed from generation to generation.”

― Amy Tan, The Joy Luck Club


“Hagrid, look what I’ve got for relatives!” Harry said furiously. “Look at the Dursleys!”

“An excellent point,” said Professor Dumbledore. “My own brother, Aberforth, was prosecuted for practicing inappropriate charms on a goat. It was all over the papers, but did Aberforth hide? No, he did not! He held his head high and went about his business as usual! Of course, I’m not entirely sure he can read, so that may not have been bravery. . . .”

― J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire


“I'm allergic to family occasions. Sometimes I think we'd do better as dandelion seeds-no family, no history, just floating off into the world, each on our own piece of fluff.”

― Sophie Kinsella, Twenties Girl


“She told me to wait, that I was going to lose a finger." Earl looked toward the kitchen and back at Ty and Duece. He snorted. "I asked her, did she think I was stupid? Then a couple of snips later, whack. Off went the finger. And you know what that woman said to me? I said 'Mara you cut my finger off.' And your mother said to me, 'Well Earl who's stupid now?”

― Abigail Roux, Stars & Stripes