Quotes on Bible - Praise be to the LORD my Rock


Quotes on Bible - Praise be to the LORD my Rock 

“One thing I ask of the LORD, this is what I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the LORD and to seek him in his temple.”

― Anonymous, The Holy Bible: King James Version


“Praise be to the LORD my Rock, who trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle.”

― Anonymous, The Holy Bible: King James Version


“For me to live is Christ and to die is gain

Phillippians 1:21”

― Anonymous, The Holy Bible: King James Version


“To love God with all our heart, soul, and mind, and our neighbor as ourself.”

― Anonymous, The Holy Bible: King James Version


“Be courageous and He shall strengthen your heart, all of you who hope in the Lord.”

― Anonymous, The Holy Bible: King James Version


“Being cheerful keeps you healthy. It is slow death to be gloomy all the time.”

― Anonymous, The Holy Bible: King James Version


“It is neither judgment nor judgment according to the status quo with which we have a problem, but rather judgment according to God's Word. We sharply dress ourselves, go out into the world, shape ourselves, our personalities according to the world's standards and preferences, allow ourselves to be made dull by the world and its desires in order to appear successful and happy and attractive in the eyes of the world: we love the world's judgment but we hate God's judgment. Absurdly enough, the one which really matters, the one out of the purest of loves rather than that of a mere contract in hopes of mutual gain, is the one from which we so adamantly try to cut off, shut off, and distance ourselves.”

― Criss Jami, Diotima, Battery, Electric Personality


“Again Jesus said, "Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.”

― Anonymous, The Holy Bible: King James Version


“It was not an enemy that reproached me, then I could have borne it.

Psalms, 55:12”

― Anonymous, The Holy Bible: King James Version


“Proverbs 22:7 "The rich rule over the poor and the borrower is slave to the lender."


Galatians 5:1 "do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.”

― The Holy Bible


“By the way, if you get mad at your Mac laptop and wonder who designed this demonic device, notice the manufacturer's icon on top: an apple with a bite out of it.”

― peter kreeft, Jesus-Shock


“I think the greatest weakness in the church today is that almost no one believes that God invests His power in the Bible. Everyone is looking for power in a program, in a methodology, in a technique, in anything and everything but that in which God has placed it—His Word. He alone has the power to change lives for eternity, and that power is focused on the Scriptures.”

― R.C. Sproul, The Prayer of the Lord


“You believe in a book that has talking animals, wizards, witches, demons, sticks turning into snakes, food falling from the sky, people walking on water, and all sorts of magical, absurd and primitive stories, and you say that we are the ones that need help?”

― Dan Barker


“I don't think it is enough appreciated how much an outdoor book the Bible is. It is a "hypaethral book," such as Thoreau talked about - a book open to the sky. It is best read and understood outdoors, and the farther outdoors the better. Or that has been my experience of it. Passages that within walls seem improbable or incredible, outdoors seem merely natural. This is because outdoors we are confronted everywhere with wonders; we see that the miraculous is not extraordinary but the common mode of existence. It is our daily bread.”

― Wendell Berry, The Art of the Commonplace: The Agrarian Essays


“Nowhere in the Bible, however, do we find God distinguishing between levels of sin. God doesn't share our rating system. To him, all sin is equally evil, and all sinners are equally lovable.”

― Judah Smith, Jesus Is: Find a New Way to Be Human


“Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved.”

― Anonymous, The Holy Bible: King James Version


“Let him become a fool, that he may become wise.”

― Anonymous, The Holy Bible: King James Version


“If you are looking for verses with which to oppress women, you will find them. If you are looking for verses with which to liberate and honor women, you will find them.”

― Rachel Held Evans, A Year of Biblical Womanhood


“As for man, his days are like grass, he flourishes like a flower of the field; the wind blows over it and it is gone, and its place remembers it no more.”

― Anonymous, The Holy Bible: King James Version


“Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much”

― Anonymous, The Holy Bible: King James Version